This film has taught me somethings about getting a career job after schooling. First of all, it has pointed out many times that our generation is getting lazier because of all the technology around us.  This is a problem, because later on the future many jobs will get out of business because technology will be taking over a lot of positions instead of us, human beings. Second of all, I never thought that it would be that hard to get a job after your done school.  For example "one in three 25 to 29 year olds with a college or university degree ends up in a low-skilled job. 60% graduate with an average debt of $27,000" doesn't sound good in my opinion.  These were the things I learned today from this documentary.
5/10/2013 03:51:23 am

Don't grow up to be jobless. OK!! Or I'll tell your mommy


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