This film has taught me somethings about getting a career job after schooling. First of all, it has pointed out many times that our generation is getting lazier because of all the technology around us.  This is a problem, because later on the future many jobs will get out of business because technology will be taking over a lot of positions instead of us, human beings. Second of all, I never thought that it would be that hard to get a job after your done school.  For example "one in three 25 to 29 year olds with a college or university degree ends up in a low-skilled job. 60% graduate with an average debt of $27,000" doesn't sound good in my opinion.  These were the things I learned today from this documentary.
         Year 2 for Zugzwang had passed by really quick.  First year was much more longer than this year by a lot.  It really sucked that i wasn't there when the trading season was happening but at least now I got some food and the apartment is now powered which means my family is safe for the year.  The court house was okay, I thought that Tyler's and Ethan's case was pretty funny but a waste of time but they did prove there point about the judge.  The house of commons was okay I don't have much to say about it. Over all I thought that this year went extremely quick but still a good year and was a lot more less of a struggle compared to year one.


             The questions where hard and not easy questions to think about, in my opinion.  I really do think this because they weren't just yes or no questions, they had to have a explanation to your answer.  For example, one of the questions were "You can go to Europe for 1 year and get $2000 every month or you can go to the moon for 1 hour only, your choice".  Thats really hard because you spend a full year in any country in Europe plus you get $2000 like that sounds your going to be having a pretty good year. Now going to Europe i can do anytime if I do have the money for it.  On the hand, you can go to the "MOON!" think about how many people in this world get to go the moon, for 1 hour only but true fact that only 12 people in history have walked on the moon and you could be like one of them.  Those where some really good questions if you think about it.   
            That in my opinion the question above was the hardest question for me but I already made my choice of going to the moon, honestly like think about how great of a experience it would be to go the moon.  It's a once in a life-time thing to do.  It would definitely be a amazing experience I really think it would be great!!!